Your loan application may be disqualified even after you receive an approval if certain events occur. Prior to origination, if your credit history indicates any of the events below have occurred, then your application will be declined.
- Your credit score drops (i) more than 25 points since the time of the credit report used to determine the applicant’s current rate, and/or (ii) below 680;
- The monthly debt obligations your credit report increase significantly;
- If any of the accounts on your credit report are currently in collections or 30 or more days delinquent; or
- If there is any inquiry or new account on your credit report since the time of the credit report used to determine your rate (not including any inquiries related to a student loan, vehicle loan or mortgage).*
* Unless you can provide documentation within 48 hours of your decline that the new inquiry on your credit report did not result in a new loan or line of credit.